Donate | To the Charleston Land Trust


In order to promote the mission of the Charleston Land Trust in facilitating the acquisition, maintenance, improvement and preservation of public trust lands, fostering donations of public trust lands to the City, and encouraging the monetary support for public trust lands, the Charleston Land Trust provides this form.
Download Form:


Procedures for Acquisition:

Land offered to the City of Charleston should be presented to the Charleston Land Trust at a regular meeting of the Trust. If the proposed acquisition fails to meet the definition of public trust lands or the criteria for acceptance, the Charleston Land Trust may decide to decline the offer of the property.

If the Charleston Land Trust decides that a property or easement has merit, a member of the Trust will contact you to obtain more information so it may evaluate the property or easement, using the criteria listed below. If the information is adequate, it is expected that a report will be given at a future regular meeting of the Charleston Land Trust when it will determine if and how the property or easement will add value to the City's Public Trust Lands.

Considerations for Acquisition:

  1. The land must be within or adjacent to the city limits, or within the City’s declared expansion areas.
  2. There must have an identifiable public use or value (present or future). Considerations:
    • Scenic value, (how readily visible?)
    • Recreational uses or possibilities identified.
    • Has historical relevance or artifacts.
    • Is woodland with forest or botanical value
    • Is open space for water, air and light
    • Preserves an existing public use or value
    • Has valuable cultural attributes
    • Preserves other ecological aspects: i.e. water quality, natural resources, or prevents an apparent or foreseeable harm
    • Contributes to any Charleston Land Trust or City sponsored public benefit objectives (i.e., healthy lifestyle, more livable neighborhoods, gateways, safety, less carbon use, etc.)
  3. Is there a need for land with this potential use in the area where it is situated?
    Is the cost of acquisition, ongoing maintenance and preservation affordable or could it be cost prohibitive? Considerations:
    • Acquisition costs: (purchase, exchange, or donation)
    • Any existing or projected buildings or improvements?
    • Sustainability (what maintenance and upkeep will be required of City)
    • Partnering: Are there neighbors or groups interested in adopting the offered land for maintenance and/or enhancement?
    • Endowment: Is the donor offering any financial support for the long-term preservation of the land?
    • How much money will be lost in City and County property taxes?
  4. Are any donor restrictions appropriate? Considerations:
    • Would the City be limited on the use the land as it deems appropriate?
    • Would any proposed restrictions place a financial burden on the City?
  5. Would burdens or restrictions counteract the potential public benefit?
  6. What is the public support or opposition to the proposed acquisition?

Send Us Your Photos!

We want to see pics of everyone out enjoying The Land. We would love to post your pictures when we get them! Email us at!


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